The Good, The Bad, The Ugly, The TRUTH

My journey back to me...

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

((Weigh-In #4))

Well, I'm checking in a litte more often than once a week...oh well. Good changes, though! :)

Current weight: 140.6 pounds
Neck: 12.25 inches
Waist: 29.12 inches
Hips: 41.0 inches

Another 9/10 of a pound down, a quarter-inch from my neck, and an eighth of an inch from my waist!

FINALLY made it back to the gym yesterday and plan on going again today!

Saturday, December 25, 2010

((Weigh-In #3))

I didn't have a chance to post earlier in the week, but here's what's been going on!

Still haven't made it to the gym...hoping to get some killer workouts in this week!

On December 19, I weighed in: 142.7! A 2.5 pound loss since my last weigh-in!

On December 22, I weighed in: 141.8. Another 0.9 pounds down!

On December 23, I weighed in at 141.5, so yet another 0.3 pounds down!

This morning, I weighed about 142.8 or so, but I'm going to re-weigh in the morning (probably) to see if that was accurate. Even if that's accurate, I have lost 3.5 pounds! And if I have stayed down to around 141.5, then I've lost a total of 4.8 pounds! Either way, I'm happy to see some progress :D

Merry Christmas, everyone!

Friday, December 17, 2010

((Weigh-In #2.5))

I thought that last weigh-in may have been kind of off. My husband and I had indulged in a larger-than-normal DELICIOUS dinner the night before at our favorite local Mexican restaurant.

So, this morning I decided a do-over was in order. My measurements were the same.

BUT, my weight was 144.3!!! That means I've lost 0.9 pounds since Weigh-In #1 and 2 pounds since my initial weigh-in on the CCW.

WHOO-HOO!! I feel much better about that :)

I still haven't made it to the gym yet this week (yes, I realize it's Friday...), but I'm hoping to go burn some major calories and do some strength training when my husband gets home from work today.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

((Weigh In #2))

Weight: 145.2 pounds

Neck: 12.5 inches

Waist: 29.5 inches

Hips: 41.0 inches

Well, I'm disappointed. But, also motivated.

I've only lost 0.2 pounds since last Wednesday, but I've lost 1/2 inch in my waist.

I didn't go over the calories I need to maintain my weight, but I didn't do as well with my 500-calorie deficit last week or with working out. So, next week, I'll be motivated to do better.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010


To celebrate our lost inches and weight, my husband and I decided to get ice cream cones from Braum's. Nothing says celebration quite like ice cream. And mine was Cappuccino Chunky Chocolate...Coffee, chocolate, and ice cream in one. Does it get any better than that?!

It sure does! Even after having a single dip ice cream cone and a Braum's sandwich (grilled chicken), I still had my daily calorie deficit of 500 calories and a 250-calorie deficit from working out!

Here's to losing at least 1 more pound by next Wednesday!


I have never, not even once, regretted going to the gym or getting outside and running. I ENJOY working out. I love to sweat and make my muscles burn. It shows me that I'm doing something good for myself. It's energizing.

So why, WHY, is it so hard to get motivated to go to the gym in the first place?!

If I KNOW I'm going to enjoy it, it's good for me, it will help me to accomplish my goals, it will make me feel good, and so on, then what is it that holds me back??

I encounter the same problem when it comes to reading my Bible. Even hanging out with friends. And going to church.

One thing at a time.

Tonight, I conquered my lack of motivation, went to the gym, and burned 250 calories! :)

((Weighing In))

On November 28, 2010, I decided to buckle down and get serious about losing weight.

Using a calorie-counting website, I truthfully logged my calories from that Sunday to get a feel for how many calories I consumed on a typical day.

I had consumed a whopping 2,230 calories!!!

Even with the 211 calories I had burned from doing sit-ups, push-ups, jumping jacks, and running a mile, I still consumed 300 more calories than I burned. The website informed me that if every day were like that day, I would gain 2 pounds in 5 weeks. And that was definitely a typical day of eating for me!

From that day forward, I began logging into the calorie-counting website (CCW from here on out) and inputting every calorie consumed and every calorie burned. I informed the CCW of my weight loss goals and it gave me daily calorie and exercise goals.

By Wednesday, December 1, 2010, my husband joined the CCW and jumped right in there with me to lose weight! We weighed in for the first time, officially, that day. I weighed 146.3. My neck measured 12.75 inches. My waist measured 31 inches and my hips 42.

My goals:

*Aim for losing 1 pound/week=500 calorie deficit.
*Eat 1230 calories per day (plus whatever extra I earn through exercise).
*Exercise 3-5 times per week.
*Reach and maintain 120 pounds.
*Waist: 26.5
*Hips: 36.5
*Wear a size 7 juniors' jeans/size 6 women's jeans

We both worked hard. I worked out 3 days in the last week and there's only been one day that I haven't met my calorie goal (and I still consumed fewer calories than I burned).

This morning was Weigh-In Day #2.

I weighed 145.4 pounds. My neck measured 12.5 inches, my waist 30, and my hips 41!!! Yay! I'm so excited, so I thought I would share my journey: confess my struggles and celebrate my success.

Today, I'm going to the gym to get a membership (last week I used up the guest passes they offered). I am MOTIVATED and ready to lose this weight! :)